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Preparation for University begins in Grade 9:
Üsküdar American Academy’s main aim with its education program is not for its students to only achieve success in the university entrance exams but to be also successful in all areas of life. In order for the students to select the most suitable university for them as an individual, the school in addition to classes also provides extensive guidance. 
Both the International and the Turkish University Counselors work closely together to help ensure the students gain admittance to the best universities both in Turkey and abroad.
The most important priority for the students is to be accepted into the University of their choice. Keeping in mind that the grade averages received throughout their high school years are an important factor in university entrance, students are informed about the details of the university entrance system right from Grade 9. In Grade 10 the students, depending on which faculty they are planning to study in, are assisted in making decisions about which track to choose. As part of this the students are given a survey so that they can get information about the universities, faculties and careers they are interested in.
Guest speakers are invited from the universities to give information both about their universities and faculties. A University Fair is organized for Grade 11 and 12 students and parents. A variety of universities participate in this fair where presentations are given about the individual universities and representatives are there the whole day to answer questions. In Grade 12 visits are arranged to the most popular universities. In addition one on one consultations are conducted with the students. In particular, both counselors work together with students who are preparing for Turkish and Overseas Universities. The advisors meet with each of the students to help them plan for their futures. The advisors also evaluate the test results and grade averages of the students attending the “dershane” (cram courses) and track the students’ progress. When deemed necessary, a three-party meeting is arranged which includes the Guidance Department. The counselors work with the students on the coding and prioritizing of their choices on the application form for the university entrance exam.