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Dear Esteemed Parents, Students, and Friends,


It is with great pleasure and pride that I extend my warm greetings to you as the Head of School at Üsküdar American Academy (UAA). Our revered institution stands as a shining example of academic excellence, fortified by a legacy that spans over a century.


As one of Turkey's premier educational establishments, UAA boasts a distinguished reputation that has been cultivated since our founding in 1876. Guided by the visionary Health & Education Foundation since its inception in 1968, we have remained steadfast in our pursuit of providing an unparalleled educational experience that shapes the minds and futures of our students.


UAA is more than just a school; we are a community of learners, educators, and visionaries who are dedicated to nurturing the holistic growth of our students. We are immensely proud to hold accreditation from the Council of International Schools (CIS), which stands as a testament to our commitment to international standards of educational excellence.


Furthermore, UAA holds the esteemed distinction of being an International Baccalaureate (IB) World School, a designation that underscores our dedication to fostering inquiry-based learning, intercultural understanding, and a lifelong love for knowledge. Our rigorous IB programs empower students to become critical thinkers, responsible global citizens, and compassionate individuals.


At UAA, we take great pride in being a selective institution that identifies the top 1% of Turkey's most promising talent. Our mission is to not only equip students with academic prowess but also to nurture their social, emotional, and ethical development. We endeavor to create well-rounded individuals who are not only prepared for the challenges of today but are also equipped to shape the challenges of tomorrow.


Our remarkable students' achievements are mirrored in their successful admissions to prestigious institutions around the world. From the storied halls of Harvard, MIT, and Stanford to the vibrant campuses of Boğaziçi, Bilkent, and Koç, UAA graduates emerge as leaders in their chosen fields, embodying the values instilled in them during their time at our institution.


None of our successes would be possible without the dedication and expertise of our exceptional educators. With over 50% of our teaching staff holding master's degrees and 5% possessing doctorates, our teachers are committed to nurturing a culture of intellectual curiosity, critical thinking, and a lifelong passion for learning.


As we look to the future, we remain committed to the pursuit of excellence and innovation. Our journey to becoming a globally acclaimed institution is driven by our shared belief that education has the power to transform lives and society at large.


In conclusion, I extend my deepest gratitude for taking the time to explore this introduction. I invite you to immerse yourselves further in the UAA experience by exploring our comprehensive website, where you'll discover the vibrancy of our learning community and our unyielding commitment to shaping the leaders of tomorrow.


Thank you for considering Üsküdar American Academy as a partner in your educational journey.

Warm regards,


Dr. Steven Desroches


Head of School


Dear Visitor, 


It is my privilege to write this message to you as Üsküdar American Academy’s School Principal. I feel honoured to be a part of a community with such history and deep-rooted traditions. 


Üsküdar American Academy has been among Turkey’s top schools since its establishment in 1876. 


The school’s ambitious academic goals and the high expectations from its pupils are major contributors to Üsküdar American Academy’s status as a leading school. 


The wellbeing of pupils is our priority. The school believes that each student needs to receive top quality education in line with the principles of holistic development, and aims to raise successful citizens of the world. Üsküdar American Academy follows the latest technological trends and developments and helps pupils to take ownership of their own learning through openness to innovation and critical thinking in today’s dynamic world. 


Our well-equipped teaching staff prepares pupils for Turkish and overseas universities that best suit their interests and skills. Üsküdar American Academy offers over 100 student clubs, sport and arts activities, which pupils attend throughout their five years at the school.  In addition to the courses taught in English, Üsküdar American Academy students use their mother tongue with proficiency. In addition, they perform outstandingly well in international language exams in their second foreign languages.  


Students at Üsküdar American Academy receive top quality academic education in a democratic environment where community work is encouraged. They are raised as individuals who follow Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’s principles and reforms. They are supported by the school in taking initiative and assuming responsibility.  They take an active part in the school’s decision- making process.


It is an honour and privilege to be a member of this school community. The education pupils receive at Üsküdar American Academy makes them lifetime learners. Graduates enjoy the privilege of being a part of a deep-rooted tradition for the rest of their lives. 


Our mind, knowledge, experience and imagination take us forward. This is where the power of education manifests itself. Üsküdar American Academy’s mission acknowledges and stresses the combined power of knowledge and kindness.   


You can follow the latest developments and the academic and social achievements of students through our frequently updated website. 


Sincere Regards, 


Özgür Akas

School Principal