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UAA Students’ Great Contribution to Equal Opportunities in Education


The Prep level students at the Üsküdar American Academy help to raise the academic success of 8th grade students of a state school who do not have the financial means to take private lessons by tutoring them via the internet. The aim is to prepare these students for the exams so that they can continue their education at better state schools in which the language of instruction is English  or in vocational high schools. The state-owned Hattat Rakım middle school has created a special class for this project along with UAA and a curriculum has been drawn up to prepare the students for these exams. The classes involved use of computers with internet access and the Adobe Connect program twice a week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, after school is over. The UAA students have also provided a number of books to help the 8th grade students prepare for the exam.

Since the members of the Student Council and the Social Services club believe that art and music are indispensable components of a good education, they host talented students from Hattat Rakım middle school on UAA’s campus each week to work together drawing and providing activities with music and percussion. The results of this year-long collective work are shared at the traditional May Day at the Üsküdar American Academy in an exhibition and concert.


Social Service is a tradition at UAA. Students, throughout their time in high school here, work with enthusiasm to raise awareness and conduct projects to support the less fortunate members of their communities. We have summarized some of these social service projects and events here-below.


Visits to the Validebağ and Acıbadem Homes for Senior Citizens

The students read books and presented a music concert for the residents. The residents were also invited to certain events held on our campus.  


Hand in hand for the disabled

Our students began a campaign to supply wheelchairs to those in need of them and collected thousands of plastic bottle tops to this end as well as informing the community about the campaign and getting support for it.


The world is our home

Our students did not wish to remain insensitive to the numerous disasters around the world and instigated a project to provide a water supply to a village in Africa.


They are our past

Students visited elderly patients at Cerrahpaşa University Hospital and read books to them, chatted with them and helped them walk in an effort to show them they are not alone.


All together at New Year ... 

The Üsküdar American Academy students invited the students of Umut Children’s Foundation to a New Year’s party at which they celebrated the New Year together in high spirits.


Long live school fraternity

Thirty computers, donated by the Üsküdar American Academy, were sent to various schools in Ordu, Hendek, Sivas, Urfa and Çeşme. Aid was also sent according to need to Arnavutköy Hacımaşlı Elementary school and various schools in Adana, Tarsus, Sakarya, Urfa and Batman in collaboration with the foundation TOCEV.