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Why choose Üsküdar American Academy? The best answer to this question can be given by our graduates and students.


  • UAA (the Üsküdar American Academy), established in 1867, is one of the oldest private schools in Turkey.

  • The standards of education at our school have been approved the Council for International Schools (CIS).

  • UAA is one of Turkey’s most prestigious educational institutions and is administered by an experienced and dependable staff.

  • Turkish and Foreign teachers wishing to join the teaching staff are selected according to their academic qualifications and personal abilities. Many of our teachers have worked with us for years.

  • Students at UAA are bi-lingual (Turkish and English). They also learn a foreign language (French, Spanish or German) and consequently are very successful in international language examinations such as TOEFL, IELTS and EUROPASS.

  • UAA is known for its support of and participation in scientific study such as the American Mathematics Competitions, TÜBİTAK competitions, a visit to CERN, scientific seminars and fairs. 

  • Technology is part of UAA’s education program. In addition to the computer laboratories, every class has a smart board and teachers and students use laptops in their classes.

  • The “journey” to university begins in Grade 9 and with the guidance of the college advisors and finishes when the goal is reached. The students get to know overseas universities through fairs, school visits and careers’ days. They select their university according to their interests and goals and with the help of the advisors complete their applications and registrations.

  • A happy and successful school life is ensured with the support of the psychological counseling and guidance service.

  • UAA is proud to be the first school in Turkey to have hosted an MUN (Model United Nations) conference named TIMUN (Turkish International Model United Nations) which is affiliated by the THIMUN Board and has been hosting participants from over 32 different countries since 1993. Further information can be found at www.timun.gen.tr

  • UAA gives equal emphasis to art and sport as much as it does to academics. Our school has a team for almost every sport. Our students take part in ISTA workshops, visit museums and attend concerts.

  • Students have a say in UAA. The Student Council comprises of class representatives and it organizes academic, art and social events through eleven different clubs. The Student Council attends the Parent/Teacher Association meetings and each semester conducts student surveys which give direction to the democratic running of the school.

  • The extra-curricular program is as rich and varied as the academic program. The students have the opportunity to participate in nearly 80 different clubs involved in science, the arts and culture.

  • Our graduates distinguish themselves in their careers through achieving a native-speaker level of English, by experiencing different events nationally and internationally at an early age, by gaining leadership skills and knowing how to work as part of a team.

  • UAA gives importance to social service projects and the Student Council’s Social Service Club has been involved in a number of national and international projects such as building a school in Tanzania, providing running water for a school in Africa, India MindVISA Project etc. thus developing in our students a sense of altruism.

  • The UAA’s Graduates Association is an important part of the school’s communication network along with the school, the Parent/Teachers’ Association and graduates.

  • With a history of over 100 years the school spirit has forged a strong link between our students, graduates and school. There are a number of graduates employed by the school both as administrators and teachers which promotes the continuation of tradition and this sense of belonging.