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Every year approximately 50% of the graduates from Üsküdar American Academy continue further education in universities overseas. The International College Counselors work one to one with students throughout the application process for overseas universities.

Approximately 50% of our graduates are continuing their higher education in, primarily, universities in America, but also in Canada, the UK and various universities in Europe. The college counselors work closely with the students during the application process and guide the students through all aspects of the process. The International Universities Counseling Office organizes the whole of the application process including the letters of recommendation, the students’ transcripts and information about their extra-curricular activities. From Grade 9 onwards the Office uses some of the guidance hours to explain to the students what international universities look for in an applicant and also to underline the importance of both grades earned throughout the high school years as well as their participation in extra-curricular activities.

The students are also given information about PSAT, SAT, TOEFL/IELTS and AP exams and help with the exam schedules. In addition the Office shares information from former students who are already studying in universities abroad. One of the most important services provided by the International Universities Office is assisting our students with applications for Summer Schools. Participation in Summer School programs provides students with a great experience and the opportunity to learn about the education system and life-style of that country. Üsküdar American Academy hosts over 200 representatives from various overseas universities who come to Istanbul to promote their institutions through seminars, workshops and interviews organized by the International Universities Office. The Office also announces the dates of the Fairs for Overseas Universities and facilitates the attendance of the students.     


Click here to view the detailed table of acceptances by country/university.